Two services that allow you to crate and publish online blogs for free are Blogspot and Wordpress. Both can be used to publish material of any nature that you would like. It doesn't matter if you are publishing "Grandma's Cookinig Hints", "Underwater Basket Weaving for Dummies", or "Rocket Science for Kids". If your writing is of a mature nature, both services allow for warning pages and some adult content. ( For example, erotic poetry )These services appily to anyone who wants to put a blog together, regardless of the particular subject matter.
Both are very popular services with lot's of features. I like the themes that are available on Wordpress more than I like the themes on Blogspot. Wordpress seems to have done a lot more development in making their available themes visually appealing and interesting. The ready-made themes on Blogspot are much simpler looking, but layout is set up in a way that is very easy to use and professional looking. You can use either service in conjunction with various affiliate programs if you want to earn money from your writing. Both also allow you to create multiple blogs and manage them from the "dashboard" in your account.
I'm still not sure which service I like better, I'm experimenting with writing blogs on both of them to find out. I like the ease of Blogspot, but I enjoy some of the options Wordpress has that Blogspot doesn't seem to include. For instance, on Wordpress there is an easy interface for creating multiple pages. It's possible to create links to other pages on Blogspot, but doesn't work the same way.
I'd be interested to hear the opinions of others on both services- what do you think works better? Feel free to leave a comment.
Here are the links to both if you haven't tried them, creating an account with either or both is free and a relatively simple and quick process.
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